Photos: Memorial Art at Neuengamme Camp

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Memorial column, 1953.
Memorial column, 1953.
Inscription on column. "Your suffering, your struggle, and your death should never be in vain."
Memorial sculpture by Françoise Salmon.
Memorial sculpture by Françoise Salmon.
Memorial sculpture by Françoise Salmon.
Memorial sculpture by Françoise Salmon.
Memorial sculpture by Françoise Salmon.
Memorial sculpture by Françoise Salmon.
Memorials of the nations.
Commemorative House and Archive at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp. In this room, the names of thousands of camp victims are displayed on lengths of cloth hanging on the wall. An adjacent exhibit of plain fabric is dedicated to the many unknown victims of Neuengamme. The original building was by Gerhard Scharf who cooperated with artist Thomas Schütte on the redesign of the exhibit.
Walls of names.
Detail of names sorted by date.
"In memory of the victims of the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. On 1 August 1944 an armed uprising in Warsaw was launched on the orders of the Polish government-in-exile. Led by the underground army Armia Krajowa, it was given mass support by the city's civilian population. Its aim was to liberate the Polish capital from the German occupying forces before the arrival of the Red Army.

After 63 days of fierce fighting (from 1 August until 2 October 1944) the uprising was crushed by Wehrmacht and SS troops. 18,000 soldiers and over 150,000 civilians gave their lives for Poland's freedom. Tens of thousands were deported to concentration camps all over Germany, including about 6,000 who were sent to Neuengamme and its satellite camps.

The number of Polish inmates incarcerated in Neuengamme concentration camp and its satellite camps totaled almost 17,000 women, men, and children, many of whom were also Jews. An estimated 7,500 of the Polish prisoners held in Neuengamme perished. The first Polish prisoners to arrive a Neuengamme concentration camp came in 1940. During 1941/42 they periodically constituted the largest national group in the camp.

This memorial was proposed by the Polish Association in Germany and supported by the Polish community (Polonia) in Hamburg to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the start of World War II.

The sculpture was created by Jan de Weryha-Wysoczanski."

Warsaw Uprising memorial.
Warsaw Uprising memorial.
"The Desperation of Meensel-Kiezegem.

This monument was erected on August 29th, 1998 as a memorial to the murdered villagers and to the honor of their mothers and widows.

They were the innocent victims of the round-ups in Mensel-Kiezegem carried out by the nazis and their collaborators on August 1st and 11th, 1944. 61 men from this small village community were deported to the concentration camp Neuengamme. Only eight survived and returned home.

This monument stands as a symbol for one of the worst afflicted communities in Europe: Meensel-Kiezegem (Belgium)."

--Foundation Meensel-Kiezegen '44

The Desperation of Meensel-Kiezegem.
Memorial to the homosexual victims of National Socialism. One hundred homosexuals were imprisoned at Neuengamme. At least 33 of these men lost their lives. The exact count is probably much higher.
"Behold, this stone shall be a memorial unto us.

This stone has been set up here to the remembrance of more than 600 Dutchmen in age of 15 years and over. They became victims to the raid made in the name of the German commander of the Wehrmacht in the Netherlands in the village of Putten in the region Veluwe on Sunday, October 1, 1944.

On Monday, October 2, 1944 they were deported to camp Amersfoort. From there they were removed to the concentration camp Neuengamme. Only 49 of them returned to their country. The others died here or elsewhere in Germany."

--Foundation "October '44" Putten, the Netherlands

A plaque marking the foundation of the camp crematorium.

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